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Kuwait’s energy consumption has reached an all-time high.

May 05, 2019

According to the Arab Times website on April 14, 2019 in Kuwait City, Kuwait’s independent oil analyst Kamal Al-Harami said in an interview with media reporters that Kuwait’s daily energy consumption has reached a record high of 700,000 barrels, of which the daily consumption of natural gas is exceeding the oil consumption by 372,000 barrels, while the daily consumption of oil is 330,000 barrels.

Harami said: "Kuwait's dependence on oil is gradually decreasing. We are importing more natural gas from all over the world faster than the growth rate of our population."
He said: "Kuwait's energy bills are increasing, and the annual subsidies for energy are close to $3 billion. There are no real plans or any serious attempts to reduce our energy consumption."
However, in most Arab Gulf countries, such as Saudi Arabia, oil consumption is rising. Saudi Arabia's daily energy consumption exceeds 4.6 million barrels of oil equivalent, of which approximately 2.7 million barrels are oil and the rest are natural gas. However, Saudi Arabia is also about to increase its investment in natural gas to make natural gas as its main source of energy. The UAE and Qatar, which are mainly based on natural gas, are phasing out oil.

Harami said: "Because the new refineries under construction have encountered some difficulties for the Kuwaiti oil industry in the production investment of fuel oil, Kuwait is increasingly dependent on natural gas. Unless the Kuwaiti government and the parliament make a courageous joint decision on reducing its national energy bill, Kuwait’s energy consumption will not decrease."